Working with text file 1. namespace The namespace System::IO is used to work with file reading and writing 2. Save text string into a file 1).…
Working with binary file 1. namespace The namespace System::IO is used to work with file reading and writing 2. Save binary data into file…
Convert System::String to char* char* ConvertStringToChar( String^ str) { using namespace Runtime::InteropServices; IntPtr p = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(str); return static_cast<char*>(p.ToPointer()); } Convert char* to…
The Windows Forms RichTextBox control is used for displaying, entering, and manipulating text with formatting. The RichTextBox control does everything the TextBox control does, but…
Convert System::String to int String^ strData0 = “12345690”; int Data0 = Int32::Parse(strData0); Convert int to System::String int Data1 = 123456; String^ strData1 = System::Convert::ToString( Data1…