using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices; char buf[] = “Native String”; int len = strlen(buf); array< Byte >^ byteArray = gcnew array< Byte >(len + 2); //…
The following method is a simple method to convert a managed array<Byte>^ to char*. array<Byte>^ ManagedArray = gcnew array<Byte>(512); //declare a managed 512 bytes array…
When writting a C# application program by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, you may add any .net 4 features as a reference into your project.…
1. Create a Hot key class to deal with the hotkey registry and unregistry Public Class Hotkey #Region “Declarations – WinAPI, Hotkey constant and Modifier Enum”…
Most of the applications allow users to open or display an empty document. This indicates that such an application expects the user to create a…