Working with binary file
1. namespace
The namespace System::IO is used to work with file reading and writing
2. Save binary data into file
1). Create a file stream
FileStream^ fs = gcnew FileStream(“BinaryFileName”, FileMode::CreateNew);
2). Create a writer for binary data
BinaryWriter^ wr = gcnew BinaryWriter(fs);
3). Write data to “BinaryFileName”.
a). Create random data to write
array<Byte>^dataArray = gcnew array<Byte>(arrayLength);
(gcnew Random)->NextBytes( dataArray );
b). Write one data to file
c). Write Byte array: wr->Write( dataArray );
d). For other write method please refer to BinaryWriter Methods
4). Close the BinaryWriter: wr->Close();
5). Close the FileStream: fs->Close();
For save text to a file refer to here.
3. Read data from a binary file
1). Check the file exists by using File::Exists(“BinaryFileName “)
2). If the file exists, open the file
BinaryReader^ binReader = gcnew BinaryReader( File::Open(“BinaryFileName”, FileMode::Open ) );
3). Read data from the file
a). Read a number of bytes, e.g. 512 bytes
array<Byte>^updater = gcnew array<Byte>(512);
binReader->Read(updater, 0, 512 );
b). Read String
String^ lookupDir = binReader->ReadString();
c). For other read method please refer to BinarReader Methods
4). Reset the position in the stream to zero.
binReader->BaseStream->Seek(0, SeekOrigin::Begin);
5) . Close the file
For read text from a file refer to here
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